Sunday, August 11, 2019

Yet Another Breezy Point Project

At our Breezy Point house we have a little (~8'x8') cinderblock shed down by the water that was probably built in the 1950s and over the last 70 years has acquired a lean toward the Sound, and has a shake roof that is falling apart.  Rebuilding the whole thing would have been a huge project involving lots of digging.   The back wall appears to have extra concrete and is anchored into the hill.  So, I decided to get creative and basically just made a giant shim.  I poured some concrete to make the front wall perpendicular again, and created a new level roofline.  I skim coated the walls with concrete so the slanting lines of the cinder blocks wouldn't be visible. There was a last step of of putting siding on the open sections that isn't shown.

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