Tuesday, December 06, 2005

First Ski Day of the Season

We went XC skiing on the Iron Horse Trail by Snoqualmie Pass on Sunday. Conditions were great with plenty of snow. Noah is taking a nap in the trailer, and Aaron's back on his own skis. Aarons's moving along quite well for a four-year-old although he's outgrown his poles from last year. We stopped by REI and got him some longer poles on the way home. Photo taken by Cynthia.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A Saturday trip in the fall

A fall trip to Remlinger Farms near Carnation, Washington. Noah gets to take his first boat trip, and Aaron gets to ride a pony!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

North Cascades in August

Hiking at Artist's Peak above Mt. Baker ski area in August. Easy hike with kids; great views of Mt. Shuksan on one side and Mt. Baker on the other. Lots of ripe blueberries to eat. Perfect weather. Highly recommended.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Noah trashes another hotel room

. . . and enjoys every minute of it.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Aaron Loses the Training Wheels

Aaron got rid of the training wheels right around his 4th birthday. I tried a technique recommended by a friend from work, which consists of removing the pedals and lowering the seat (low enough to get both feet flat on the ground), and letting the kidlet push the bike around with his feet to figure out how balance feels on a bike. The first day Aaron was pushing the bike around the block with his feet, and coasting a bit with his feet up. The second day he wanted the pedals back on. After a bit of help with balance, he was riding on his own that same day.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A Rubber Chicken on Top of the World

My friend Michael Frank made it to the top of Everest this summer. Michael has the distinction, in a claim which has been documented and seems to be holding up under scrutiny, of being the first human being to bring a rubber chicken to the top of Mount Everest. Here's a description of the summit attempt. I climbed Mount Adams and Mount Ranier, and spent a fairly miserable night in a snow cave after getting stuck in a storm at ~14K feet just below Liberty Cap on Rainier, with Michael many years ago during my very brief alpine climbing career. Michael's tolerance for epic levels of human suffering is way higher than mine will ever be.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

A Bad Day

This was not the best day in my rowing career. My friend John and I entered a 13 mile 'open water' Sound Rowers race on Lake Sammamish. We had high expectations, previously having been in a world masters champion quad and also getting 3rd in the world masters double. We were planning to set a course record for that race that would be around for a while. Unfortunately we were concentrating a little too much on going fast and not qute enough on, well, um, not hitting anything. We broadsided a fishing boat ten strokes after crossing the starting line.

I wrote up a little description of the whole incident for our club newsletter. There's a probably more interesting article in the same issue about two lunatics from our club who are getting ready to row across the Atlantic. Now that's just crazy.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Opening Day 2005

This is our Lake Washington boat about to win the mixed 8x race at Opening Day. I'm in the 5 seat (5th from the bow). This was a fast boat, with 5 of the crew having previously won masters world championships (including Rachel and BJ in the stern pair, and John, myself, and Bryl in the next three seats). One of the other three boats in our race hung in there for a while (the other two finished way back), but by the end we were all alone.

Saturday, February 12, 2005