Sunday, August 11, 2019

Yet Another Breezy Point Project

At our Breezy Point house we have a little (~8'x8') cinderblock shed down by the water that was probably built in the 1950s and over the last 70 years has acquired a lean toward the Sound, and has a shake roof that is falling apart.  Rebuilding the whole thing would have been a huge project involving lots of digging.   The back wall appears to have extra concrete and is anchored into the hill.  So, I decided to get creative and basically just made a giant shim.  I poured some concrete to make the front wall perpendicular again, and created a new level roofline.  I skim coated the walls with concrete so the slanting lines of the cinder blocks wouldn't be visible. There was a last step of of putting siding on the open sections that isn't shown.

Sunday, August 04, 2019

Dad and Noah Catch Lots of Fish!

Dad and Noah went to Westport again to do a charter with Captain Nick on our favorite boat--the High Life.  After an early 5 AM start, we had to go close to 30 miles north to get to the salmon, but once there we hit our limit pretty quickly of 2 good size silver (coho) salmon each, and then also each hit our limit of rockfish (also called sea bass).  On the last cast of the day Dad also managed to bring up a 12 pound lingcod which was a nice bonus!   We put it all on ice and when we get home Cynthia vacuum packs and freezes it all, and we have a fish supply that lasts for a while.