On the morning of July 4th we headed over to Elma WA for the Firecracker Triathlon. This is a small very laid-back race that had a sprint for the grownups, which Steve did, and a kids race as well. Unfortunately Aaron wasn't feeling too well and in fact barfed a couple of times before the race, a couple of times after, and again after we got home. He still wanted to do the race though and did OK although he ran out of gas a bit on the run. We think his condition was probably a reaction to a chickpox booster shot he got the day before rather than flu or other illness. That night Aaron crawled into bed with all his clothes on at around 9 PM and slept for over 11 hours.

Getting ready for the start.

They're off! For the swim part of this race, the little kidlets are allowed to run through the water along the shore.

Aaron has a smooth T1 with a little help from Dad and is off on the bike.

Heading in to start the run!

Steve finishing the run in the grownups race. He ended up 4th overall.

Dad and Aaron before the awards ceremony. Dad gets a trophy and Aaron gets a nice finisher's medal--his very first one!